Call for Papers 2025
Paper Track
We accept papers related to Agriculture-Vision with a rigorous peer-review process with program committee members from multiple research communities including computer vision, machine learning, image processing, remote sensing, agriculture, etc.
We will have a single Proceedings track this year. Papers must be less than 8 pages (excluding references) and consist of completed/mature work. Accepted full-length papers will be published in IEEE CVPR 2025 Workshop Proceedings.
Several top accepted papers will be given oral presentation opportunity at our workshop. The remaining accepted papers will be given poster presentation slots during the workshop.
Topic Description
The Workshop (its paper track for oral/poster presentations, invited talks, and panel discussion session) will be open to the broader community, addressing various technical and application aspects of challenges and opportunities in computer vision research for agriculture. The specific focus of the 2025 workshop will be on foundation models and their uses and applicability in Agriculture. We aim to provide a venue to both show current relevant efforts in interdisciplinary areas between computer vision and agriculture, and to encourage further research and conversations within the computer vision community to tackle impactful agriculture-vision problems. We will solicit papers from the following wide range of topics:
Multi-modal foundation models in solving agricultural problems
Use of generative AI and multi-modal LLM’s for agricultural analysis
Computer vision research for agricultural imagery in general
Resources and benchmarks for imagery-based pattern analysis in agriculture
Farmland pattern classification and segmentation from agricultural imagery
Efficient data sampling methods for effective training on agricultural imageries
Effective data fusion of multi-spectral image data such as RGB and Near-Infrared (RGB-NIR)
Robust and stable pattern recognition on sparse and imbalanced annotations
Other novel vision-related applications in agriculture
Submission Instructions
We use the same latex template and similar guidelines as the main CVPR conference for the initial submission, please check CVPR author guides.
Submission and review will occur in OpenReview.
Submission site: OpenReview (will be open before deadline).
Please feel free to contact the organizers if you have any additional questions.
Important Dates
Paper submission:
Full-Length Proceedings (<= 8 pages)
Workshop paper submission deadline: March 25, 2025 (12:59PM PDT)
Notification to authors: April 5, 2025 (12:59PM PDT)
Camera ready deadline: April 15, 2025 (12:59PM PDT)